Change is Everywhere, and the Construction Industry is Not Immune

change management

Change is Everywhere, and the Construction Industry is Not Immune

In the last two weeks, I have spoken with construction leaders from national convenience store brands, large state university systems, large city agencies, and waste management organizations; and there was one common theme: Change.

Everyone is having to pivot and rethink what their organization will look like and how they will need to work moving forward. And with so many still remote, transparency and accurate data and information sharing is more important than ever.

COVID-19 or no COVID-19 – leaders are exploring new processes, new project delivery methods and putting their existing systems to the test.

When I asked these leaders what their change management plan for construction project plans were, I heard:

  • “I do not have a budget for organizational change management.”
  • “We know organizational change management is important and much needed, but I do not know where to start. The last implementation was a failure due to the lack of adoption of the system.”
  • “We know we need to invest in change management, but I have other issues that need my immediate attention.”
  • “You know how it goes here, it takes several months to adjust, users like their F: Drive better than he Drive on the cloud.”

The construction industry will not stop for COVID-19 and many of the new buildings and infrastructure are needed now more than ever to keep people employed, safe and critical projects moving forward.

There will be a significant impact if the industry does not shift, and the outcomes will be crippling in the months to follow.

The Construction Industry as a whole is lagging behind in adopting technology, but NOW is the time to consider digitization, and this shift needs to be recognized, and endorsed, from the top down. AND to be committed to change — not only the technology but investing in people and training during and after the change is implemented.

The Question remains –

  • Is your Construction Operational Plan is equipped for “Change Management”?
  • How are you getting ready for the Change?
  • Do you know where to even start?

OnIndus has a proven methodology to assure successful change management in your organization; no matter where you are in the process. To learn more, go to:

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