Assessment of a PMIS Post-Implementation to Increase Efficiency and Cost Savings

Onindus - PMIS Assessment

Assessment of a PMIS Post-Implementation to Increase Efficiency and Cost Savings

Construction project management is a complex undertaking. To effectively and efficiently manage a construction project, one has to ensure that the team adheres to the schedule and the project stays within the budget while matching quality standard and maintaining a safe work environment.

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There are hundreds of project management information system (PMIS) in the market. Every  PMIS software has some strengths and weaknesses. Most organizations have implemented software to manage construction projects. Some have implemented standalone systems with manual integration, some have implemented partially integrated systems while others have fully integrated systems.

When is the Right Time for a PMIS Assessment?

project management information system Washington DC


Organizations have varying demands from a PMIS solution, and every organization is unique. The pmis software comparison software has many features that may or not be implemented properly or used effectively in the organization.

If any of the following or similar issues arise in your organization then a PMIS implementation assessment would be recommended:

  • A lot of manual work is required to enter, access, or approve information
  • Users find it difficult to access the information they need from the existing system
  • The data in the software does not match other systems
  • The software is too complex to use
  • Some features are not working as expected
  • Scalability and customization limitations with the  existing PMIS
  • Business processes is really hard
  • Integration with other systems is complex or does not work
  • Unable to get the expected ROI

The evolving landscape of the construction technology services with a need for enhanced tracking and detailed, digitized reporting may also lead to a feeling of inadequacy in the PMIS.

An effective assessment takes into consideration the requirements of various departments and identifies the gaps between the business processes and the digitized PMIS processes. It identifies what is working well and the opportunities for improvement. Many times, the issues can be addressed by re-fabrication of the current digitized PMIS processes and customized training.

Clear Benefits of a PMIS Assessment

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An effective assessment takes into consideration the requirements of various departments and identifies the gaps between the Business Processes and the digitized PMIS processes. It identifies what is working well and the opportunities for improvement. Many times, the issues can be addressed by re-fabrication of the current digitized PMIS processes and customized training.

The assessment report should provide detailed insights into

  • Does it meet the organization’s evolved needs?
  • How does the PMIS implementation and usage compare with the current Industry standards?
  • How does the implemented PMIS compare with other leading PMIS software available in the Industry?

Recommendation for areas of improvement or customization of the PMIS to better meet the organization’s needs

At times, based on the evaluation, it may be determined that another PMIS may better serve the organization’s needs. In such a scenario, the recommendation needs to be accompanied by an analysis of break-even Cost Projections for the change.

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OnIndus has conducted many such assessments for various Capital program owners. Our industry and domain experts help in providing a detailed assessment of current needs against the current PMIS implementation. Our unique assessment methodology focuses on your organizational needs and requirements, and covers the following:

  • Areas: Preconstruction, Project Management, Training Management, Resource Management, Financial Management, Analytics, and Integration with 3rd party software
  • Features: Accounting Integration, Budget Tracking, Change Order Management, Commitment Management, Contractor Management, CRM, Equipment Tracking, Estimating, Incident Reporting, Mobile Access, RFI & Submittals, Subcontractor Management, Document Storage and Management
  • Deployment & Availability: Cloud, SaaS, Web-based, Mobile apps.
  • Users: 200 – 500, 500-1000, 1000+
  • System Administration and Support
  • Software Support and Service

If you would like to know whether your PMIS is meeting your organization’s needs OR how your implementation compares to other leading software in the industry, then please contact us on +1 786 472 4840 or write to us at

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