Software and systems do not deliver change, people do

construction software and systems

Software and systems do not deliver change, people do

“Under promise and over-deliver” is a common saying among Owners, and it is directly correlated with the lack of modernization and digitization in the construction industry. While real progress is being made in a multitude of ways across the sector, the profound changes needed for collaborative tools and systems will unlock efficiency within the industry that will unleash amazing progress on how money is being spent and the delivery of key buildings and infrastructure. The challenge is the demand for the building construction project management has not slowed, and there is no end in sight to when the industry will catch up. To owners responsible for developing and delivering projects on time and on budget, the question remains how to best navigate through the noise of great promises to determine what can deliver the greatest value to the organization. Certainly, staying up to date with emerging trends and technologies that will change the way the built environment is designed, built, and operated is going to be a key part of taking that next step.

Organizational Change Management (OCM) is pivotal when even starting to shift how people work and interact with one another. Software and systems do not deliver change, people do.

By being change fluent, you will be able to independently validate what promised technologies and changes mean for your organization. Developing OCM puts you in the best position to negotiate with the contractors, consultants, and other vendors to ensure their work is in line with organizational initiatives. Should you adopt the latest BIM practices? What is the benefit to the organization in integrating your PMIS with the asset management systems?

The answers to questions like these are never simple. Developing OCM competency will help build a roadmap for how to answer questions like these, develop realistic projects that provide a tangible benefit, and implement change within your organization.

Beyond understanding and implementing changes to the way you build and own projects, some of the greatest and most immediate benefits of acquiring OCM competency will not be through better day-to-day execution of project work. Rather, the organizational skills developed while developing OCM will provide tremendous value in employee satisfaction and retention.

Here are a few ways OCM will quickly deliver value to your team and organization:

1) You will better understand the operating departments. OCM will be an effective way to center and frame communication of operating requirements, current changes to the department, and its market. You can use that understanding to better link project attributes with desired organizational outcomes and be more active in making recommendations that achieve this objective.

2) The world is without question changing at a rapid pace. An OCM competency will be instrumental in addressing significant and immediate changes that can arise at any moment. Having a platform for managing change established could make the difference that keeps the organization agile. Regardless of what happens with construction technology services, and the changes it promises, having an organization that is ready is critical.

3) Having proven OCM capabilities will show potential partners you have what it takes to be a successful project owner/participant. With the increased use of alternative delivery modules, like Integrated Project Delivery, a proven track record of OCM will make your organization more attractive to potential partners by demonstrating the ability to be an effective member of the team.

As we realize the grand promises and ambitions of the construction industry start to unfold, ensuring OCM is part of your organization’s core competencies will deliver value in many ways. It will simply make a better, stronger organization ready to shift to a modern, digitized world.

Learn how OnIndus organisation change management consulting can help with your OCM strategies!

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