3 Ways Automation Is Evolving the Construction Industry Technology

business automation

3 Ways Automation Is Evolving the Construction Industry Technology

As numerous organizations introduce advanced technology solutions and initiate transformation of their construction processes, automation is slowly taking center-stage and shaping into the future of construction. Automation is helping construction companies tackle challenges which include but are not limited to shrinking workforces, widespread inefficiency and increasing information gaps between onsite and remote workers.

In today’s competitive marketplace, data analytics and construction technology have slowly begun to come into its own with the past decade playing a pivotal role in helping fast-track construction operations and introducing enhanced process efficiencies. After seeing the trickle-down effects of implementing technology processes and integrating them with business operations and program management, companies are now recognizing the immense value that data analytics and business automation solutions can offer.

When mapped accurately and integrated across all primary assets and functions, construction project management firms can benefit from data analytics to collect, unify and better understand their customers, inform the business processes and improve the entire project delivery lifecycle.

Here are three ways automation is helping change the construction industry for the better:

1. Construction planning and analytics

Construction planning

One of the long-standing problems that have plagued construction firms since decades has been bridging the gap between the field and office. The challenge for contractors and project managers includes transforming paper-based workflows into digital, flow in data from siloes, and improve sub-par processes with solutions to ensure that critical data is collected effectively from construction sites.

With customized Program Management Information System (PMIS) tools, construction companies can accelerate the collection of data to draw valuable insights and improve application performance for existing and future projects, all in real-time, on the field and across the whole organization. Construction firms can leverage these insights by implementing them to improve estimates, minimize delays, and eventually reduce costs on future projects.

2. Accurate budgeting and job costing

Accurate budgeting

Modern construction software is designed to be customized so as to fit the unique requirements of businesses small and large. System integrators like OnIndus are trained to make typical job costing challenges easier for construction teams and create new business opportunities to elevate construction management. By taking advantage of this automated budgeting software tools, contractors can garner real-time data that can provide a clear understanding of all ongoing projects.

By leveraging personalized technology solutions, collecting data can be a breeze, letting the field teams concentrate on the actual construction work and leave the administrative tasks to specialized software. And these cloud-based, integrated software platforms also let construction companies carry out accurate budgeting and scale up for future growth. Technologies like advanced data analytics, business intelligence solutions, collaborative document sharing portals and more, are helping contractors thrive like never before. All of these tools work in tandem to enhance the processes behind effective job costing, helping construction businesses get a better grasp of their present and future prospects.

3. Reducing operational costs and minimizing overruns

The pandemic has compelled construction automation to be smarter with their spending and process optimizations. However, eliminating unnecessary costs requires tracking the flow of funds to identify duplicate spending across existing processes. And for many firms, it isn’t always easy. With data analytics and connected operations, project owners and contractors can gain maximum visibility into the flow of funds and uncover new areas to reduce costs.

With automated workflows in place, project owners can streamline the flow of project information and leverage the system to boost overall productivity of their construction teams. Moreover, purpose-built project management software for construction can help in building and maintaining an accurate inventory. This will help prevent material and equipment loss, so organizations won’t waste money replacing missing or misused items.


Real-time analytics is one of the most crucial pieces in building automated capabilities to improve business processes and navigate today’s new normal. When data is implemented and leveraged correctly, insights and construction project management can offer new opportunities for contractors to help them improve project performance, reduce duplicative costs, mitigate risks, and minimize project delays.

To understand how OnIndus can help you move from reactive insights to predictive insights using process automation, contact us via email (connect@onindus.com) or call us directly at +1 786 472 4840.

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