How AI Helps Mitigate Healthcare Construction Challenges

How AI Helps Mitigate Healthcare Construction Challenges

How AI Helps Mitigate Healthcare Construction Challenges

Healthcare construction projects are some of the most challenging in the industry. Not only do they need to be completed quickly and on budget, but they also require higher standards of health and safety.

Due to the competition in the healthcare market, healthcare facilities are under a lot of pressure to continuously improve and expand their services. This means that there is always an ongoing construction project — whether it’s renovating an existing building or building out a new space from scratch.

Healthcare facility managers have the responsibility of making sure all these needs are met when it comes to renovations or expansions in their area. To do this, they need to be aware of what’s going on around them and how it will affect the construction process. All this so that they can make informed decisions about where their projects should go next, while keeping the costs under control.

And thanks to construction trends centered around Artificial Intelligence (AI), healthcare facility managers now have access to more data than ever before. This, in huge part, is helping them understand what’s going on around their construction projects.

The Challenges of Healthcare Construction Today

The Challenges of Healthcare Construction Today

Healthcare is one of the most complex industries, and its facilities are among the most challenging to build. From a logistical standpoint alone, hospitals have many moving parts that need coordination and integration: there may be hundreds or even thousands of people visting the premises each day, from patients and their families to doctors, nurses, technicians, support staff, janitors, and security personnel. On top of that, hospitals are constantly under pressure to upgrade their technology and keep up with the latest medical advances.

All this complexity means that construction managers in the healthcare industry have a lot on their plate. They need to be able to manage the cost and schedule of their projects while complying with standards from local, state, and federal regulatory bodies. The project team also needs access to detailed information about all aspects of construction—including materials used for each phase, as well as approved vendors who can provide them at competitive prices.

AI Technology Trends in Healthcare Construction

AI has been at the forefront of technology trends in the construction industry for a while now. But how exactly is AI helping with healthcare construction projects?

You can find about some of the most important ways listed below:

  1. Project Planning and Management

    Utilizing AI in project planning can help construction managers to better understand the feasibility of a project before it even begins. With access to data about similar projects, they can develop realistic timelines and budgets for their projects. And with AI-enabled tools for simulation and forecasting, they can make sure that their projects stay on track.

    For many healthcare construction projects, time can be an incredibly scarce resource. Patients need to be treated, and medical offices are often booked for months in advance. The more efficiently a construction project can be completed, the more beneficial it will be for everyone ― including patients who might have had their appointments rescheduled due to delays, or workers who could have been injured because they were rushed through tasks that should’ve been done safely.
  2. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
AI Technology Trends in Healthcare Construction

Using BIM to develop detailed models of the physical building and its various systems can help construction managers make better decisions about materials, equipment, or even staffing needs during construction. It also enables them to effectively communicate with stakeholders throughout each phase – from design through planning to post-construction maintenance.

3. Vendor Management

Utilizing AI for vendor management can help managers get a better understanding of their supplier base and make more informed decisions about which suppliers to work with on individual projects. This also helps construction managers to keep track of pricing fluctuations and identify potential areas for cost saving.

4. Health and Safety

Infection control is a pressing issue for healthcare construction projects today, especially with COVID-19 cases still on the rise in some areas of the country. AI-enabled safety features can help construction managers better assess health and safety risks on site and take steps to mitigate them.

Unlike most construction projects, healthcare construction must adhere to strict regulations designed to protect not only the workers but also the patients. These regulations can vary from state to state, so construction managers need to have access to updated information about them. AI can help with this by providing real-time alerts when new regulations are passed or when existing ones are updated — very useful in areas that are hard-hit by COVID-19.

The future of construction is here and it’s going to revolutionize the way we build healthcare facilities. By utilizing AI in their construction projects, healthcare facility managers can overcome many of the common challenges they face. With access to data and tools that weren’t available just a few years ago, they can make better decisions about planning and execution. As AI continues to evolve, we’ll see even more ways that will help healthcare construction projects become more efficient and successful.

To understand how OnIndus can help you integrate advanced AI solutions in your construction management workflow, contact us via email ( or set up a free consultation by calling us on +1 786 472 4840.

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